Have you ever thought of yourself as a Lady in Waiting? I always thought of that as such a pretty term for a woman who offers herself as a servant, "waiting" on whomever is in her care, serving them, accomplishing their desires and needs, giving of her service to them.
Since I have a passion for things of a Medieval nature, I like to think that I am one. That I am a Lady in Waiting: who is waiting for my very own special someone to come along and sweep me off my feet :) And then of course when I finally become his helpmeet I will become his very own Lady in Waiting- serving him in our home with my whole heart and being.
But waiting for something we want can be one of the hardest things in the world to do. It is one of the hardest decisions we make because even when we finally choose to give it to God...in no time at all the worry comes creeping back. It could be a month later, a week later, or as in my case, quite often, just a day or even hour later we are trying to reclaim the worry of waiting for ourselves.
TRUSTING GOD- a simple phrase, much easier said than done, but the rewards are not something that can be put into words.
Lately God has been pressing upon my heart the importance of truly trusting Him, I mean really giving every care, every worry, every thought to HIM. Going to Him in prayer and letting Him change my heart and mind to desire His will more than my own. So I have been falling in love with My Savior as I daily trust my future in His care. Each morning I purpose to serve God with my whole heart and being that day and leave my future to Him. I love the feeling that comes from resting my whole future (all my dreams, wants, desires...and believe me I have many!) completely in His care and control. I encourage you to share any struggle you are facing in waiting for something with God and see the joy that comes of surrendering it all! I know right now my biggest wait and longing is for the man I will marry, but after marriage comes endless possibilities of waiting. Such as for a new home, for a paycheck, for a baby...etc. So this is the perfect time to learn a valuable lesson that can and will assist and comfort you the rest of your days here on earth!
Grace and peace to you in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, Hannah
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